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HitobiotecGolgi-Cox OptimStain Prekit 高尔基染色
Golgi-Cox OptimStain Prekit 高尔基染色
品牌 | Hito Biotec | 货号 | HTKNS1125NH |
规格 | Standard Kit | 供货周期 | 现货 |
主要用途 | 研究神经元和神经胶质细胞形态 | 应用领域 | 生物产业 |
Hitobiotec Golgi-Cox OptimStain™ Prekit 高尔基染色试剂盒
高尔基染色试剂盒,高尔基,Golgi Staining,Hitobiotec Corp.;Golgi-Cox impregnation 浸染法;neuron 神经元(神经细胞);glia 神经胶质(胶质细胞)
Golgi-Cox 染色或Golgi-Cox 浸染法(Golgi-Cox impregnation)认为是用来研究神经元和神经胶质细胞形态的有效和美观的通用方法之一。近些年高尔基体染色Golgi-Cox 染色法依然是用来检查树突分枝模式和树突棘的优选方法,因其能对大脑某特定区域随机挑取的少数片段内的树突树(dendritic arbour)进行分离和鉴定。
Hitobiotec Corp.公司生产的高尔基体染色试剂盒(Hito Golgi-Cox OptimStain™ Kit)针对以上问题提供了一种简单的解决方案。基于Glaser and Van der Loos描述的方法,本试剂盒对Golgi-Cox 技术做出了显著改善。此试剂盒步骤简单且操作时间明显降低。科研人员可使用-19ºC保存的冷冻切片机(cryostat)。不仅提供稳定和改善的染色质量,而且只要适当操作几乎无过度染色。标准试剂盒可用于50个小鼠脑切片染色。
Hitobiotec Corp.公司生产的高尔基体染色试剂盒(Hito Golgi-Cox OptimStain™ Kit)经测试广泛用于不同动物的脑、脊髓和心脏组织,以及高灵敏度显示神经元和神经胶质细胞的形态学细节。
Golgi-Cox OptimStain Prekit 高尔基染色
组分 | Standard Kit | Small Kit |
Solution-1A (Stock Solution) 溶液-1A | 100 ml | 50 ml |
Solution-1B (Prepare Solution) 溶液-1B | 150 ml | 75 ml |
Solution-2 溶液2 | 250 ml | 125 ml |
Solution-3 溶液3 | 500 ml | 250 ml |
Solution-4 溶液4 | 250 ml | 125 ml |
Solution-5 溶液5 | 250 ml | 125 ml |
Dropper Bottle (30 ml Solution-3) 滴瓶 | 1 | 1 |
Staining Jar (12 ml) 染缸 | 2 | 1 |
Fine Tip Natural Hair Brush | 2 | 1 |
Glass Specimen Transfer Tool | 2 | 1 |
User Manual and MSDS | 1 | 1 |
品牌 | 名称 | 货号 | 备注 |
Hitobiotec | Hito Golgi-Cox OptimStain PreKit | HTKNS1125NH | 安全运输版(不含有毒试剂) |
完整版的Hito Golgi-Cox Optimstain kit内含有毒试剂:Hgcl2和重铬-酸钾,受到出口限制,运输费用和手续较复杂。
我们推荐客户订购:不含有毒试剂的:Hito Golgi-Cox OptimStain PreKit,这个是针对国际客户的去掉了Hgcl2和重铬-酸钾的安全运输版,货到后,我们添加了在Solution1溶液瓶里加入Hgcl2和重铬-酸钾5.25克,添加后和完整版的是一样的,这个试剂盒是无害的,可以用普通包装邮寄。
1.BH Kan,etal.Acupuncture improves dendritic structure and spatial learning and memory ability of Alzheimer's disease mice.
2.ZhiqiangWang,etal.Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induces long-lasting cognitive deficits accompanied by long-term hippocampal silent
synapses increase in rats.
3.J Yuan, H Huang,etal.MicroRNA-132 interact with p250GAP/Cdc42 pathway in the hippocampal neuronal culture model of acquired epilepsy and associated with epileptogenesis process.
4.TJ Song.Altered Behaviors and Impaired Synaptic Function in a Novel Rat Model With a Complete Shank3 Deletion.
5.CI Choi,etal.The progeroid gene BubR1 regulates axon myelination and motor function.
8.W Duan.Deletion of Tbk1 disrupts autophagy and reproduces behavioral and locomotor symptoms of FTD-ALS in mice.
9.Qiang Liu.Dcf1 Triggers Dendritic Spine Formation and Facilitates Memory Acquisition.
10.YuanWang.Maternal iodine supplementation improves motor coordination in offspring by modulating the mGluR1 signaling pathway in mild iodine deficiency-induced hypothyroxinemia rats.
11.Hao Huang.Protein expression of phospho-lim kinase-1 in patients and an experimental rat model with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy.
12.K Zhang.ALK5 signaling pathway mediates neurogenesis and functional recovery after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats via Gadd45b.
13.X Huang.The development of the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems during chicken mid-late embryogenesis.
14 Hui Min.Marginal Iodine Deficiency Affects Dendritic Spine Development by Disturbing the Function of Rac1 Signaling Pathway on Cytoskeleton.
15.Y Yu.Maternal marginal iodine deficiency delays cerebellar Bergmann glial cell development in rat offspring: Involvement of Notch signaling pathway.
Golgi-Cox OptimStain Prekit 高尔基染色