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Human Amyloid-beta (AB1-40) ELISA Kit
Human Amyloid-beta (AB1-40) ELISA Kit
品牌 | 4ADI |
Serum, plasma, cerebrospinal fluids, or cell culture media.
1. Mouse Anti-Human Ab1-40 antibody coated strip plate (96 wells), Cat. # AB40-1 1 plate2. Purified recombinant Human Ab1-40 Standard Stock (2000 pg/ml; see vial for exact concn (Powder) reconstitute in 1.0 ml distilled water; Cat # AB40-2 2 Vials3. EIA Buffer, cat # AB40-3 (30 ml) 1 bottle4. Rabbit Anti-human Ab1-40-HRP conjugate Stock, Cat # AB40-4 (0.4 ml), 30X stock 1 vial5. Ab1-40-HRP conjugate Diluent # AB40-5 (12 ml) 1 bottle6. TMB Substrate cat # AB40-6 (15 ml) 1 bottle7. Stop Solution (1N H2SO4), # AB40-7 (12 ml) 1 bottle8. Wash Buffer (40X) Dilute 1:40 before use9. Cat # AB40-8 (50 mls) 1 bottle10. Instruction Manual, EAB140-100 1
Stds=0-1000 pg/ml ; Sample=100 ul; Sensitivity= 2.77 pg/ml; Overnight assay; Quantitative, Sandwich, 96 tests
There are several variants of amyloid-beta produced by cultured cells. The antibodies employed in the kit are directed against 35-40 (capture antibody) and 1-6 aa of Amyloid beta 1-40 (tracer antibody). Therefore, human AB1-40 variants differing in amino acids at the N-terminus are not detected. Antibody crossreactivity with some AB 1-40 variants was determined:Human AB 1-40 100%Human AB 1-42 <0.1%Human AB 17-40 (P3 form) <0.1%Rat/Mouse AB1-40 <16%Rat/Mouse AB1-42 <1.5%Human ¿ 1-43: DAEFRHDSGYEVHHQKLVFFAEDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIATSequence of 1-6 aa in AB1-40 is the same in human, pig, monkey, sheep, g. pig, canine, rabbit, bovine, frog and chicken. Since this kit uses 1-6 aa antibody as tracer, it is expected that this kit should detect AB1-40 in these species. Rat/Mouse 1-40 have ?G? at position 5 and it is not detected very well in this kit.
TMB (substrate), H2SO4 (1% in a buffered stop solution), and Prolcin-300 (0.1% v/v in standards, sample diluent and HRP-conjugates
For research use only, not for diagnostic or therapeutic use.