News CenterBiomedica Gruppe公司
骨代谢 | 心血管疾病 | 氧化应激 |
Osteoprotegerin | BNP Fragment* | MDA-oxLDL* |
Free soluble Rankl | proANP | Peroxides |
Dickkopf-1* | NT-proCNP | Autoantibodies against oxLDL |
Sclerostin* | Big Endothelin |
Cathepsin K* | Endothelin |
| Endostatin* |
骨质酥松症、关节炎、骨代谢紊乱、肿瘤诱导的骨病 | 冠状动脉疾病、shen病、癌症 | 冠状动脉疾病、shen病、动脉硬化 |
* 于科研应用 ,其他的已在欧洲用于临床诊断
ELISA 定量检测试剂盒
骨代谢 | 应用 |
Osteoprotegerin (OPG) | 心血管疾病评价的标记物 |
Free soluble Rankl (sRankl) | 可控制孕酮水平变化导致的乳腺癌及抑制骨肿瘤细胞的进一步恶化。 |
Dickkopf-1(DKK-1) | 减轻病人对骨髓瘤治疗的MM应答 |
Sclerostin | Sclerostin 抗体治疗,促进骨质形成。 |
Cathepsin K |
心血管疾病 | 应用 |
BNP Fragment(8-29) | 心血管疾病预后治疗检测的标记物 |
proANP(1-98) | 抗肿瘤治疗的新靶点,可预测慢性心衰竭的患者的生存率。 |
NT-proCNP | 可预测创伤引起的败血症发病率 |
Big Endothelin(1-38) | ET-A受体拮抗剂,用于改善冠脉内皮功能。 ET-B 受体,肿瘤免疫治疗的靶点 |
Endothelin(1-21) | |
Endostatin | 内源性的血管生成抑制剂,是慢性shen脏病人微血管检测的可能的标记物 |
氧化应激 | 应用 |
MDA-oxLDL(MDA-oxLDL) | 与代谢综合征和冠心病风险检测相关,是急性心肌梗死的影响因子。 |
Autoantibodies against oxLDL(oLAB) | 评价药物对氧化低密度脂蛋白自身抗体产生的相关效应。 |
Peroxides |
| 骨代谢标记物 | |
在绝经妇女、骨固定引起的骨质流失患者、多重骨髓瘤患者Sclerostin水平显著升高。经甲状旁腺素(PTH)和雌性激素持续治疗后,血清Sclerostin水平降低。随着Sclerostin和DKK-1中和抗体的开发研究,有望对于骨代谢疾病治疗,获得新进展。 | Sclerostin ELISA Kit (BI-20492) | |
检测方法 | 夹心ELISA,HRP/TMB显色系统 | |
样本 | 血清、血浆 | |
样本量 | 20ul/test,12 x8 test | |
检测范围 | 0-240pmol/L | |
灵敏度 | 2.6pmol/L | |
孵育时间 | 过夜/1h/30min | |
DKK-1和Sclerostins是wnt信号通路的有效的抑制剂,且在成骨细胞的分化过程中发挥重要作用。研究表明,骨形成减少、多发性骨髓瘤或由乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌或关节炎引起的骨转移,都可导致DKK-1水平升高, | Dickkopf-1 ELISA kit (BI-20413) | |
检测方法 | 夹心ELISA,HRP/TMB 显色系统 | |
样本 | 血清、细胞培养上清 | |
样本量 | 20ul/test,12 x8 test | |
检测范围 | 0-160pmol/l | |
灵敏度 | 1.7pmol/L | |
孵育时间 | 2h/1h/30min | |
sRankl 是(NF)-KB配体的可溶性受体激活因子,是成熟破骨细胞形成的主要刺激因子,对于破骨细胞的存活具有重要作用。Rankl 激活位于成骨细胞及树突细胞其特异性受体Rank。 | sRankl ELISA kit (BI-20452) | |
检测方法 | 夹心ELISA,检测系统:AP/ NADPH | |
样本 | 血清、血浆、细胞培养上清 | |
样本量 | 100ul/test,12 x8 test | |
检测范围 | 0-2pmol/L | |
灵敏度 | 0.02pmol/L | |
孵育时间 | 过夜/1h/30min | |
OPG是Rankl的可溶性分泌受体,可抑制破骨细胞的发育。 | Osteoprotegerin(OPG) ELISA kit (BI-20403) | |
检测方法 | 夹心ELISA,检测系统:HRP/TMB | |
样本 | 血清、血浆 | |
样本量 | 20ul/test,12 x8 test | |
检测范围 | 0-20pmol/L | |
灵敏度 | 0.07 pmol/L | |
孵育时间 | 3h/1h/30min | |
Cathepsin K 是破骨细胞活化、重吸收中大量表达的合成蛋白。Cathepsin K含量的升高,反映了sRankl 激活破骨细胞的能力。 | Cathepsin K ELSIA kit (BI-20432) | |
检测方法 | 夹心ELISA,检测系统:HRP/TMB | |
样本 | 血清、细胞培养上清 | |
样本量 | 50ul/test,12 x8 test | |
检测范围 | 0-300pmol/l | |
灵敏度 | 1.1pmol/L | |
孵育时间 | 过夜/30min |
Sclerostin 是由骨细胞产生的wnt 信号通路中的一种抑制剂。
4)标准品范围:0-240 pmol/L
参考文献 | 试验设计 | 结论 |
Association of sclerostin levels with the severity of aortic valve calcification. Koos R et al., JACC ; 2011; 57, 14 | 心脏主动脉瓣硬化患者 样本:115例 | 与正常人群相比心脏主动脉瓣硬化(AVC)患者,sclerostin水平显著升高。AVC疾病的严重程度与sclerostin血清水平相关。 |
Sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 in Renal Osteodystrophy. Cejka D et al., Clin J Am Soc Nephrol; 2011; 6: 877-882 | 慢性shen脏病患者(CKD-5D) 样本:60例 | 针对高转换性骨代谢的CKD-5D病人除了检测IPTH外,还可检测Sclerostin作为评价指标。 |
Sclerostin serum levels correlate positively with bone mineral density and microarchitecture in haemo-dialysis patients. Cejka D et al., Nephrol DiaTransplant; 2012; 27: 226-230 | 血透患者 样本:76例 对照样本:45例 | 血透患者的sclerostin水平,显著高于对照样本。骨密度(BMD)与血清sclerostin水平呈正相关。 |
Circulating Sclerostin Levels and Bone Turnover in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Gennari L et al., J Clin Endo Metab; 2012; 97: 1737-1744 | II型糖尿病患者(DM2):40例 I型糖尿病患者(DM1):43例 对照样本:83人 | 研究表明,DM2患者sclerostin水平升高。此外,由PTH 抑制转录sclerostin可能在DM1和DM2病人减弱。 |
Circulating sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) in predialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD): relation-ship with bone density and arterial stiffness. Thambiah S et al., Calcif Tissue Int; 2012; 90(6): 473-480 | 慢性shen脏疾病(CKD)3B期患者32例 慢性shen脏疾病(CKD)4期患者:45例 | Sclerostin水平与年龄成正相关。男性Sclerostin水平要高于女性。shen小球滤过率(GFR)与Sclerostin水平呈负相关。骨密度(BMD)与血清sclerostin水平呈正相关。Wnt 信号通路可能在代谢紊乱疾病中发挥重要作用。 |
2013 ISN 研讨会会议论文(骨病与shen病) | 试验设计 | 结论 |
Bone density and arterial stiffness are related to circulating sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Goldsmith D et al., Poster # 15 | 血透前患者: CKD 3B期和4期患者:77例
| 该研究为:Wnt 信号通路抑制剂(Sclerostin 及DKK-1)在确定骨骼和血管功能及慢性shen脏病人(CKD)结构中发挥重要的作用,提供有力证据。 |
Circulating sclerostin levels and vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease: A complex relationship. Claes KJ et al.,Poster # 91 | 无机代谢纵向研究:154例 | AC患者表达高水平的sclerostin。反之,sclerostin较低。后续的临床和实验研究需进一步阐明sclerostin是否在保护血管钙化中起到重要作用。 |
Sclerostin and DKK-1 levels in pre-dialysis CKD patients. Behts G et al.; Poster # 89 | 观测性研究: 149病人(慢性shen病患者CKD 1-5期,男性:81例,60±16岁,22位糖尿病患者)
| 随着shen病严重程度,sclerostin(非DKK-1)水平升高。 |
Low PTH and high circulating sclerostin levels are independently associated with low bone specific alkaline phosphatase levels in hemodialysis patients. Viaene L et al., Poster # 90 | 血透病人:100例 | Sclerostin水平的升高是糖尿病患者、shen功能不全(RRF)、急性胰腺炎(BSAP)患者的独立的风险因素。Sclerostin水平的高表达及PTH 的低表达与BSAP相关,反映了低水平的骨质形成。 |
*作者及参考文献 | 疾病 | 研究群体/试验设计 | 主要结论 |
Sclerostin: another bone-related protein related to all-cause mortality in haem dialysis? Viaene L et al., Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013; 10.1093/ndt/gft039 | shen病 | 血透患者(观察随后637天个体的生存率),100例 | 血透患者Sclerostin水平的升高与提高生存率相关。 |
The Relation between Renal Function and Serum Sclerostin in Adult Patients with CKD. Pelletier S et al., Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 2013; 8: 819-823 | 慢性shen病患者(CKD):90例 | 在CKD III 期:Sclerostin水平开始升高。 | |
Sclerostin and DKK-1 levels in pre-dialyisis CKD patients. Behets G et al., Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012; 27: ii36-ii37 | 慢性shen病患者(横向观察性研究):149例 | 随着shen病严重程度,sclerostin(非DKK-1)水平升高。 | |
Sclerostin serum levels correlate positively with bone mineral density and microarchitecture in haemodialysis patients. Cejka D et al., Nephrol Dial Trans-plant, 2012; 27: 226-230 | 血透患者(横向研究):76例 | 血透患者的sclerostin水平,显著高于对照样本。 | |
Sclerostin Levels Associated with Inhibition of the Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Reduced Bone Turnover in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Gaudio A et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2012; 97: 3744–3750 | 糖尿病 | 绝经妇女II型糖尿病患者(横向研究):40例 | 与之前研究结果一致,II型糖尿病患者sclerostin水平高于对照样本及骨转换标记物水平低于对照样本。 |
Circulating Sclerostin Levels and Bone Turnover in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Gennari L et al., J Clin Endo Metab, 2012; 97: 1737-1744 | I型和II型糖尿病患者(横向研究) DM1:43例 DM2:40例 | 研究表明:II型糖尿病患者sclerostin水平升高。 | |
Association of Sclerostin levels with the severity of aortic valve calcification. Koos et al., JACC, 2011; 57, 14 | 心脏主动脉瓣硬化 | 主动脉瓣患者(横向研究):115例 | 与正常健康对照样本群体比较,AVC患者sclerostin水平升高。 |
Serum Sclerostin levels are associated with aortic valve calcification in prevalent ha-emodialysis patients. Türkvatan A et al., Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013; 28: i19–i21 | 血透患者:101例 | AVC患者sclerostin血清水平显著高于未钙化的AVC患者相比,。 | |
Circulating Sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) in predialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD): relationship with bone density and arterial stiffness. Thambiah S et al., Calcif Tissue Int, 2012; 90(6): 473-480 | 动脉硬化 | 慢性shen病患者CKD 3BQ期和4期:77例 | shen小球滤过率(GFR)与Sclerostin水平呈负相关。Wnt 信号通路可能在代谢紊乱疾病中发挥重要作用。 |
DKK-1 是Wnt 信号通路的抑制剂
检测特点 | BI-20413 | BI-20412 |
孵育时间 | 2h/1h/30min | 孵育过夜 |
样品处理 | 直接测定 | 需要1:4稀释 |
标准品范围 | 0-160pmol/L | 0-50pmol/L |
4)标准品范围:0-160 pmol/L
1 | Comparative Effect of Zoledronic Acid Versus Denosumab on Serum Sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 Levels of Naive Postmenopausal Women With Low Bone Mass: A Randomized, Head-to-Head Clinical Trial. Athanasios D. Anastasilakis, et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., Aug 2013; 98: 3206 - 3212. |
2 | Elevated Serum Dickopff-1 Levels Increase Risk of Hip and Vertebral Fracture in Older Caucasian Women. Aarthi Arasu,et al. Endocr. Rev., Jun 2013; 34: SAT-224. |
3 | Genetic studies on components of the Wnt signalling pathway and the severity of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. Diederik P C de Rooy,et al. Ann Rheum Dis, May 2013; 72: 769 - 775. |
4 | High dickkopf-1 levels in sera and leukocytes from children with 21- hydroxylase deficiency on chronic glucocorticoid treatment. Giacomina Brunetti,et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, Mar 2013; 304: E546 - E554. |
5 | Sclerostin and DKK1 in postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with denosumab. D Gatti,et al. J Bone Miner Res, Nov 2012; 27(11): 2259-63. |
6 | Sclerostin Levels Associated with Inhibition of the Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Reduced Bone Turnover in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Agostino Gaudio,et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., Oct 2012; 97: 3744 - 3750. |
7 | Serum Osteoprotegerin, RANKL, and Dkk-1 Levels in Adults with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Polyzois Makras,et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., Apr 2012; 97: E618 - E621 |
8 | High level of functional dickkopf-1 predicts protection from syndesmophyte formation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Gisela Ruiz Heiland,et al. Ann Rheum Dis, Apr 2012; 71: 572 - 574. |
9 | Assessment of circulating Dickkopf-1 with a new two-site immunoassay in healthy subjects and women with breast cancer and bone metastases. N Voorzanger-Rousselot, et al. Calcif Tissue Int, May 1, 2009; 84(5): 348-354 |
10 | Circulating Dickkopf-1 and Radiological Progression in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Etanercept. Patrick Garnero,et al. J Rheumatol, Oct 2008. |
11 | Increased Sclerostin Serum Levels Associated with Bone Formation and Resorption Markers in Patients with Immobilization-Induced Bone Loss. Agostino Gaudio,et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., May 2010; 95: 2248 - 2253. |
12 | High Serum Sclerostin Correlates with Advanced Stage, Increased Bone Resorption, Reduced Osteoblast Function, and Poor Survival in Newly-Diagnosed Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Evangelos Terpos,et al. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2009; 114: 425. |
13 | The Effect of Zoledronic Acid on Serum Dickkopf-1, Osteoprotegerin, and RANKL in Patients with Paget's Disease of Bone. S A Polyzos, et al. Horm Metab Res, Aug 2009 |
14 | Glucocorticoids Attenuate the Stimulatory Effect on Bone Formation by Bortezomib. Thomas Lund,et al. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2008; 112: 5183. |
Endostain 血管生成抑制剂
3) 局部贫血
4)标准品范围:0-80 nmol/L(0-1600ng/ml)
7)单位转换:1 ng/ml = 0.05 nmol/l (MW = 20 kDa)
参考文献 | 试验设计 | 结论 |
Elevated plasma levels of endostatin are associated with chronic kidney disease. J Chen, LL Hamm, et al.Am J Nephrol, Jan 2012; 35(4): 335-340 | CKD患者:201例 对照群体:201例 | 血浆Endostain的升高,与CKD患者高度相关。进一步研究及临床实验已批准验证Endostain与CKD发病风险之间的关系及研究针对Endostain的新的干预措施,以减少CKD的发病风险。 |
Early-onset coronary artery disease after pediatric kidney transplantation: implicatingthe angiogenesi inhibitor, endostatin. CW Iqbal,et al. Am Surg, Jun 2011; 77(6): 731-735 | 接受shen移植者:12例 接受肝移植者:8例 | 与肝移植者及健康对照个体相比,shen移植者Endostain水平升高。Endostain在shen移植后引起的动脉硬化疾病中发挥重要作用,且Endostain可能作为动脉硬化疾病检测的生物标记物。 |
Immobilized kidney 28-kDa endostatin-related (KES28kDa) fragment promotes endothelial cell survival.MH Bellini, et al. Am J Nephrol, Jan 2010; 31(3): 255-261 | 可溶性和固定化的Endostatin 对细胞活性影响。 | 研究表明:由急性shen损伤(AKI)引起的局部合成28KD相关的Endostain片段,对于内皮细胞的存活,发挥重要作用。 |
Endostatin and angiostatin are increased in diabetic patients with coronary artery disease and associated with impaired coronary collateral formation. Neel R. Sodha, et al.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, Feb 2009; 296: H428-H434 | 经动脉搭桥术手术病人的心肌组织 (非糖尿病例:11例 ,II型糖尿病:10例) | 研究表明:在促血管新生治疗中,Endostain是潜在的治疗靶点,且糖尿病患者可见血管损伤。 |
A defective angiogenesis in chronic kidney disease.N Futrakul,et al. Jan 2008; 30(2): 215-217 | 通过研究血管生成因子、Endostain、VEGF、抗血管生成因子之间的平衡,来反映血管损伤程度。 | 慢性shen病(CKD)患者Endostain及CEC非正常升高,而VEGF表现为缺乏。 |
为什么要检测NT-proBNP ?
NT-proBNP是 proBNP分解后的76氨基酸片段。proBNP是心脏为弥补收缩无力而增大时,心壁被拉伸时由心脏释放到血液中的化学物质。一旦从心脏释放到血液中,proBNP就会分割为NT-proBNP和BNP。由于NT-proBNP的半衰期为120min,相比之下,BNP的半衰期仅20min。所以NT-proBNP可追踪的时间可达24h而BNPzui多可监测的时间为1h。因此,检测血清/血浆中的NT-proBNP稳定性更好,检测结果更可靠,是有效的心衰检测工具。
检测方法:夹心ELISA,HRP/TMB显色,12x8 板条
标准品范围:0-640 pmol/L
1 | Infliximab Treatment Increases Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Assessment of Heart Function by Echocardiography, Endothelin 1, Interleukin 6, and NT-pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide. PRZEMYSLAW J,et al. J Rheumatol, Apr 2012; 39: 701 - 706. |
2 | Left Ventricular Function Impairment in Patients With Normal-Weight Obesity: Contribution of Abdominal Fat Deposition, Profibrotic State, Reduced Insulin Sensitivity, and Proinflammatory Activation. Wojciech Kosmala,et al. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging, May 2012; 5: 349 - 356. |
3 | Prognostic value of left atrial expansion index and exercise-induced change in atrial natriuretic peptide as long-term predictors of atrial fibrillation recurrence..Malini Govindan,et al. Europace, Sep 2012; 14: 1302 - 1310. |
4 | Osteopontin-mediated myocardial fibrosis in heart failure: a role for lysyl oxidase? Begoña López,et al. Cardiovasc Res, Jul 2013; 99: 111 - 120. |
5 | High-sensitivity troponin assay improves prediction of cardiovascular risk in patients with cerebral ischaemia. Raoul Stahrenberg,et al. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry, May 2013; 84: 479 - 487. |
6 | Translational phases of evidence in a prognostic biomarker: a systematic review and meta-analysis of natriuretic peptides and the prognosis of stable coronary disease. Shailen Sutaria,et al. Heart, Apr 2012; 98: 615 - 622. |
7 | Prognostic impact of body mass index in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Shih-Hsien Sung,et al. Heart, Apr 2011; 97: 648 - 654. |
8 | Troponin T, N-terminal pro natriuretic peptide and a patent ductus arteriosus scoring system predict death before discharge or neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years in preterm infants. Afif F EL-Khuffash,et al. Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., Mar 2011; 96: F133 - F137. |
9 | Multidimensional assessment of older people with asthma and COPD: clinical management and health status. Vanessa M. McDonald,et al. Age Ageing, Jan 2011; 40: 42 – 49 |
10 | Diagnostic value of NT-proBNP in identifying aortic stenosis patients with heart failure. C Wu,et al. Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi, Jul 2010; 38(7): 579-83. |
11 | Pulmonary arterial hypertension in rheumatic mitral stenosis: does it affect right ventricular function and outcome after mitral valve replacement? Shantanu Pande,et al. Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg, Sep 2009; 9: 421 - 425 |
12 | Pulmonary arterial hypertension in rheumatic mitral stenosis: does it affect right ventricular function and outcome after mitral valve replacement? Shantanu Pande,et al. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, Sep 2009; 9: 421 - 425. |
13 | Effect of piboserod, a 5-HT4 serotonin receptor antagonist, on left ventricular function in patients with symptomatic heart failure. John K. Kjekshus,et al. Eur J Heart Fail, Aug 2009; 11: 771 – 778 |
14 | Prevalence of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in a General Population. Tatiana Kuznetsova,et al. Circ Heart Fail, Mar 2009; 2: 105 - 112. |
BNP Fragment ELISA kit –new protocol
标准品范围:0-6400 pmol/L
检测灵敏度:171pmol/L(=410pg/ml), at 95% B/B0
1 | Thirty years of the heart as an endocrine organ: physiological role and clinical utility of cardiac natriuretic hormones. Clerico A et al., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2011; 301: H12-H20 |
2 | Comparison of Pleural Fluid N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Brain Natriuretic-32 Peptide Levels. Long AC et al., Chest 2010; 137: 1369-1374 |
3 | N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide as an Indicator of Possible Cardiovascular Disease in Severely Obese Individuals: Comparison with Patients in Different Stages of Heart Failure. Hermann-Arnhof K et al., Cl inical Chemistry 2005; 51:138-143 |
4 | Natriuretic Peptides: New Players in Energy Homeostasis. Moro C and Smith RH, Diabetes 2009; 58: 27-26 |
5 | Risk assessment in patients with unstable angina/non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction and normal N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels by N-terminal pro-atrial natriuretic peptide. Jarai R et al., Eur Heart J 2004; 26: 250-256 |
6 | Natriuretic peptides: Markers or modulators of cardiac hypertrophy? Gardner DG, Trends Endocrinol Metab 2003; 14: 411-416 |
7 | Neurohormonal risk stratification for sudden death and death owing to progressive heart failure in chronic heart failure. Berger R et al, Eur J Clin Invest 2005, 35, 24-31 |
8 | Natriuretic peptides/cGMP/cGMP-dependent protein kinase cascades promote muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and prevent obesity. Miyashita K et al., Diabetes 2009; 58: 2880-2892 |
9 | Processing of Pro–B-Type Natriuretic Peptide: Furin and Corin as Candidate Convertases. Semenov AG et al., Clin Chem. 2010; 56:1166-1176 |
Anti-c4d 抗体
PE-conjugated anti human c4d 检测结合的C4d。
1) 检测样本:血清
2) 来源:兔多克隆抗体
3) 形式:50ul,PE 标记纯化的IgG片段。
1 | C4d deposition is associated with inferior kidney allograft outcome independ.of cellular rejection. Regele H. et al., Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2001, 16(10): 2058-2066. |
2 | Capillary C4d deposition in kidney allografts: a specific marker of alloantibody-dependent graft injury. Böhmig GA et al., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2002, 13(4): 1091-1099. |
3 | [C4d]FlowPRA screening—a specific assay for selective detection of complement-activating anti-HLA alloantibodies. Wahrmann M et al., Hum Immunol, 2005, 66(5): 526-534 |
4 | Pivotal role of complement-fixing HLA alloantibodies in presensitized kidney allograft recipients. Wahrmann M et al., Am J Transplant, 2006, 6: 1033-1041. |
5 | In vitro detection of C4d-fixing HLA alloantibodies: associations with capillary C4d deposition in kidney allografts. Bar G et al., Am J Transplant, 2008, 8(1): 41-49 |
6 | Antibodies, isotypes and complement in allograft rejection. Böhmig GA et al., Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 2008, 13(4): 411-418 |
7 | Solid phase detection of C4d-fixing HLA antibodies to predict rejection in high immunological risk kidney transplant recipients. Bar G et al., Transpl Int. 2013; 26(2): 121-130. |
8 | Preformed complement-activating low-level donor-specific antibody predicts early antibody-mediated rejection in renal allografts. Lawrence C et al., Transplantation 2013 Jan 27; 95(2): 341-346. |
9 | Modified solid-phase alloantibody detection for improved crossmatch prediction. Wahrmann M et al., Hum Immunol. 2013 Jan; 74(1): 32-40. |
类别 | 货号 | 名称 | 规格 |
骨代谢系列 | BI-20492 | Sclerostin (SOST) ELISA | 1 Kit |
BI-20413 | DKK-1 ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20432 | Cathepsin K ELISA Kit | 1 Kit | |
BI-20403 | OPG ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20452 | sRANKL ELISA | 1 Kit | |
心血管疾病 | BI-20742 | Endostatin ELISA | 1 Kit |
BI-20082H | Big Endothelin-1 ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20052 | Endothelin ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20872 | NT-proCNP ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20852W | BNP Fragment ELISA | 1 Kit | |
SK-1204 | NT-proBNP ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20892 | proANP ELISA | 1 Kit | |
动脉硬化 氧化应激 | BI-20032 | Anti-Oxidized LDL (oLAB) ELISA | 1 Kit |
BI-5007 | OxyStat Assay (Peroxides)ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-20022 | MDA-oxLDL ELISA | 1 Kit | |
传染病 | BI-21032 | Borrelia lgG ELISA | 1 Kit |
BI-21042 | Borrelia lgM ELISA | 1 Kit | |
BI-3501 | Rheumatoid Factor Stripper | 1 Kit | |
细胞增殖 | BI-5000 |
EZ4U Cell Proliferation Assay
| 1 Kit |
抗体 | BI-RC4D | Polyclonal Anti-human C4d antibody | 200ul |
BI-RC4D-FITC | Polyclonal Anti-human C4d FITC Antibody | 100 µl | |
BI-RC4D-PE | Polyclonal Anti-human C4d PE Antibody | 50 µl |