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Monkey IgG ELISA猴IgG检测试剂盒说明书


Monkey IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

KitContents1. Anti-Monkey IgG coated strip plate (8 wells x 12 strips) 7051 2. Monkey IgG Std. A (0 ng/ml), 0.25 ml 7052 3. Monkey IgG Std. B (50 ng/ml), 0.25 ml 7053 4. Monkey IgG Std. C (100 ng/ml), 0. 25 ml 7054 5. Monkey IgG Std. D (250 ng/ml), 0. 25 ml 7055 6. Monkey IgG Std. E (500 ng/ml), 0. 25 ml 7056 7. Monkey IgG Std. F (1000 ng/ml), 0. 25 ml 7057 8. Sample Diluent (20x), 10ml SD-20 9. Wash Buffer (100X), 10 ml WB-100 10. Anti-Monkey IgG HRP Conjugate (100x), 0.12 ml 7059 11. TMB Substrate, 12 ml 80091 12. Stop solution, 12 ml 80101 13. Instruction Manual M-7050
MSDSTMB (substrate), H2SO4 (1% in a buffered stop solution), and Prolcin-300 (0.1% v/v in standards, sample diluent and HRP-conjugates
Product TypeELISA Kit
SamplesSerum. Plasma, Culture medium and other fluids may be adapted
SpCrossreactivityThis kit is specific to IgG and does not show any significant reactivity to monkey IgA, IgM, IgE, or other serum proteins. Monkey IgG ELISA kit species crossreactivity was tested with the following animal serum (IgG) at dilutions of 1:10K: Human showed significant cross reactivity (34%). Mouse, Rat, Hamster, Guinea Pig, Chicken, Goat, Rabbit, Sheep, Pig, Bovine, and FBS (fetal bovine serum) all showed less then 1% cross reactivity.
